5 ways to reduce joint pain so you can keep pushing weight in the gym! 

Joint pain as a result of lifting heavy weights is a reality that most athletes and bodybuilders face. Every joint in the body has a limited span of usability. The lifespan of a joints accessibility can depend on age, autoimmune conditions, systemic inflammation and everyday wear and tear. The importance of taking care of your joints begins with the knowledge of how to prevent joint pain through everyday routine and using ONEST X-FACTOR.

Joints – the 411

In essence, joints are the connection between two bones which allows movement and flexibility. Joints consist of cartilage, synovium and synovial fluid, which are essential to all movement.

Why do we get joint pain?

Joint pain and tenderness can be caused a person’s weight; the heavier they become, the more weight and pressure their joints bear, causing them to become inflamed, damaged and even misaligned. Another common issue is dietary, and lifestyle-induced inflammation. Eating the wrong foods, drinking, smoking and taking recreational drugs can cause systemic inflammation throughout your entire body.

Exercise is another factor to take into consideration. When we exercise, we put our bodies under a lot of physical stress and strain. Lifting weights actually causes microscopic tears in our muscles to recruit muscle growth. When we are physically active, our joints feel the impact too.

Any high impact cardio, plyometric, ability, and functional work will cause your joints to take a real beating. Every time we employ an impact to our joints, ligaments and tissues they become inflamed and swollen, which is, of course, can be very painful.

How can we prevent joint pain?

Most joint pain shouldn’t warrant any medical attention however this constant lulling pain can impact a person’s everyday routine as well as their health and fitness routine. There are a few things you can do to help prevent, treat and manage your joint pain.

1. Choose low impact movements

Lower impact movements will lessen the strain placed on your joints. By avoiding plyo or agility work, and instead focusing on more slow, controlled tempos you will be able to protect your tissues from too much wear and tear. Choosing lighter weights may also be beneficial to you in lighting the load.

2. Use Cryotherapy

Extreme cold temperatures such as cryochambers or ice baths are great for reducing inflammation. It does this by significantly reducing blood flow and circulation around the body. The less blood there is flowing, the less tissue there is to swell and become inflamed.

3. Rest

If you do experience any joint pain or discomfort, take a few days off from working that particular area of the body. By reducing physical stress, we allow the inflammation to dissipate throughout our bodies.

4. Diet

Having a diet that is abundant in micronutrients, antioxidants and fatty acids can help provide joint support and fight inflammation. Plant based foods are filled with
antioxidants and are rich in vitamin A, C, E and selenium which all help to fight the free radicals that cause oxidative stress on the body which can have a negative impact on your joint health. To increase your intake of Omega 3 fatty acids, eat a diet that contains salmon, mackeral, oils, hemp seeds, flax and nuts.

5. Supplement

Choose joint supporting supplements like ONEST X-FACTOR, that contain glucosamine, magnesium, msm, lutein, vitamin A and E as well as astaxanthin. Astaxanthin is a fat- soluble vitamin that gives it superior antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and immune-regulating properties which is exactly what you want after a hard and heavy weight session.

ONEST X-FACTOR improves muscle recovery by inhibiting inflammation, and even decreases skeletal and heart muscle damage after exhaustive exercise, while reducing creatine kinase activity.

CLICK HERE to order your supply of Onest X-Factor.