Want to supercharge your strength and physique — to build bigger, stronger, defined muscles — without extra work?

Are you ready to kill your cravings and subdue your appetite?

Is it time to enhance the muscle mass needed to drive your metabolism and fat loss?

Then the macronutrient, protein, should be at the front of your mind. Your new best friend… Particularly in the form of whey protein.

If you have heard of — even used — whey but are not quite sure why this form of protein leads the pack, or if you’re new to this space, read on. You’re about to learn the answers to our five most frequently asked questions about whey protein.

What is Whey Protein?

The best place to begin is at the beginning, and then expand. So, what is protein?

Protein is a macronutrient (a “large” nutrient) made from smaller building blocks called amino acids. Protein is broken down to release amino acids, which are then recombined and reconfigured to create thousands of different proteins…

Proteins that provide energy, are necessary for growth and maintenance, act as enzymes to catalyze and speed up reactions, are hormones, provide structure (including muscle tissue), maintain healthy fluid and pH balance, aid immune function, and transport and store vitamins, minerals and other nutrients.

Amino acids are either produced in the body or must be eaten. The latter are called essential amino acids. Because your body cannot make these it is “essential” you consume enough in your diet. There are nine essential amino acids: histidine, isoleucine, leucine, lysine, methionine, phenylalanine, threonine, tryptophan, and valine. Sources that contain all nine are called complete proteins.

Whey is one of the two proteins found in milk. Yes, it is a complete protein. In part, this is where whey’s power lies.

What are the benefits of Whey Protein?

Whey’s uses are broad and enticing, in health and in crafting a beautiful, fit physique. Here are our top 5 benefits…

Promotes fat loss

One of the keys to weight loss is not what is seen on the scale alone. If you lose muscle mass because of a low calorie intake, you’ll damage your metabolism and reduce your strength yet the scales will show a reduced number. This is unhealthy in the longer term. Instead, maintaining lean muscle and shedding body fat is what matters. This is how you reconfigure your body.

A study published in the journal, Nutrition & Metabolism, conducted research with this in mind. Participants were split into two groups. Both reduced their daily energy intake by 500 calories. One group was also supplemented with whey protein isolate. After 12 weeks, the latter group shed significantly more body fat and preserved more lean muscle.

In short, supplementing with whey protein isolate promotes healthy fat loss.

Powers muscle growth

Supplementing with protein in conjunction with resistance training is known to increase muscle synthesis. Dose and timing matters.

As an article published in the journal, Frontiers in Physiology, said, resistance training followed by sufficient protein intake increases muscle protein synthesis; this duo heightens the creation of muscle protein. Over time, this triggers hypertrophy, or muscle growth.

Quells appetite and curbs cravings

As research published in the journal, Nutrients, stated, “Proteins, particularly whey proteins, represent the most satiating macronutrient in animals and humans.” Their study backed this statement up.

The authors found that whey reduces appetite, stimulates the gut peptides that lower hunger, and induces a lower glycemic response, meaning lower blood sugar fluctuation. This may translate into a diminished desire to eat, reduced calorie intake, and a lessening of cravings.

Lowers cholesterol

More than one in ten Americans has cholesterol levels higher than they should be, raising the risk of heart disease and stroke. Yet, diet and supplementation are often overlooked. This is a mistake.

Supplementing with whey protein has been shown to improve fasting lipid levels, reduce low density cholesterol (the “bad” type) and total cholesterol, and diminish triglycerides. All this in as short as six weeks!

Decreases insulin levels

Consistently high insulin levels are linked with obesity, disease, and death. Needless to say, this hormone must be kept within its healthy range. Again, whey protein offers hope and help.

Fasting insulin levels and insulin resistance have been shown to significantly decrease in people who consume whey protein. Particularly in those who are most at risk: overweight and obese individuals.

What is the difference between whey protein isolate and whey protein concentrate?

In essence, this is determined by the processing technique.

Milk can be broken down to yield liquid whey. When processed until 80% of the remaining weight is protein and 20% is carbohydrates and fats, this is known as whey concentrate. When processed further, carb and fat content can be stripped down. When at least 90% of the remaining weight is protein, this is known as whey protein isolate.

Because of the additional step whey protein isolate is more expensive. But the higher protein content and reduced carb (including lactose) and fat content means a significantly better product.

When is the best time to take Whey Protein?

Ah, this is a common question!

The answer: it depends on your aim.

If you are looking to boost your general protein intake to improve your health, when you consume amino acids is less important.

However, if you want to supercharge muscle growth and bulk, this changes the equation. According to the experts at the Exercise Metabolism Research Group at McMaster University, timing is important.

They advise that, when considering exercise, the window for optimal protein ingestion is in the post-exercise period. In addition, protein should be enjoyed throughout the day “in sufficient doses” that equal around 0.4 grams per kilo of body weight per meal. Lastly, a larger dose at bedtime appears to increase acute overnight muscle protein synthesis and long-term skeletal muscle adaptation.

Are all Whey Proteins the same?

No; regardless of the type of supplement, quality matters.

Many companies offer whey concentrate with inflated claims because they can produce it cheaply and sell for greater profits. Some lower the dose and add fillers like gluten. Others are barely bioavailable, meaning your body is not easily able to absorb what you ingest. The fastest way to waste money is to buy products that don’t work.

That’s why we’re so fussy about what goes in our popular whey protein. With 25 grams of whey protein isolate, only 461 kilojoules (110.2 calories) per serve, the full complement of nine essential amino acids, high calcium, added digestive enzymes, and an easy-to-absorb formula to maximize bioavailability, our well-loved blend is also soy and gluten free.

And it tastes great too! As Camila R said, “I absolutely love this flavor. For sure it is the best whey protein I had.”

Grab your Onest Whey Protein now. We know you and your body are going to love it!