Are you struggling with poor slumber?

Does sleeping through the night sound lovely… but in reality you watch the clock tick slowly until the next day dawns?

Are you feeling exhausted? Foggy headed? Grumpy?

Is your waistline expanding even though you haven’t changed your lifestyle?

Insomnia can play a key role in each of these complaints.

When afflicted by this condition, you may find getting to sleep, staying asleep, or waking too early problematic. If you’re unlucky, an unhappy mix of these three complaints will result in waking decidedly unrested. Functioning well in the daytime becomes difficult. But it can get worse…

An article published in The American Journal of Managed Care noted that while 30% to 40% of adult Americans report symptoms of insomnia each year, around one in five short-term insomnia cases progress to chronic insomnia. This can last for years. That means poor sleep night after night after night…

But it doesn’t have to be this way. To find out why you’re struggling to kip — and what you can do to slumber soundly — you must know about melatonin, the sleep hormone.

What is melatonin?

The hormone, melatonin, is secreted primarily in the brain by the pineal gland, and also by the retina of the eye. Synthesis and release are triggered by darkness. As night-time descends, the failing light increases the production of melatonin. As synthesis rises, the sleep hormone flows into the bloodstream. From here it exerts its slumber-inducing effects.

What does melatonin do?

Melatonin is involved in the control of the circadian rhythm; the natural behavioral, mental, and physical ebb and flow that occurs over a 24-hour cycle.

Rising in darkness, it lulls us towards sleep. It peaks between the wee small hours of 2 and 4 a.m. to help us remain sedated and resting well. Then, over the latter half of the night, melatonin steadily dwindles; preparing us for wakefulness and a new day.

What are the benefits of melatonin?

Because the circadian rhythm is essential for good health and sleep, melatonin has a range of functions and benefits.

Sounder slumber

If you struggle to nod off, toss and turn through the night, or wake unrefreshed, there is hope.

The study, Meta-Analysis: Melatonin for the Treatment of Primary Sleep Disorders, found that taking melatonin “decreases sleep onset latency, increases total sleep time and improves overall sleep quality.”

In short, supplementation can help you fall asleep faster, slumber for longer, and experience higher-quality rest.

Relief from jet lag

Long haul flights can trigger jet lag; a condition that is distinguished by sleep disruption, daytime weariness, diminished function, tummy troubles, and a general feeling of listlessness. The more time zones you pass through, the higher your risk. Once struck, it can feel like your body and mind are wading through molasses rather than air. Recovery can take many days.

But research has shown that supplemental melatonin provides respite. As one review study put it, “Melatonin is remarkably effective in preventing or reducing jet-lag.”

Protects the cardiovascular system

Diseases of the heart and blood vessels kill more people than any other cause. Yet, melatonin may offer protective effects.

An article published in the European Heart Journal - Cardiovascular Pharmacotherapy noted that melatonin is a powerful antioxidant molecule that has “proven antihypertensive and lipid lowering effects.” By lowering blood pressure and taming wayward cholesterol levels, this hormone helps protect the heart and blood vessels.

Encourages a slimmer waistline

Shedding body and tummy fat can be challenging. Especially if one or both of these problems are present…

  1. The hormone, insulin, isn’t working well

Symptoms of insulin resistance include brain fog, elevated cholesterol levels, high blood pressure, hunger, tiredness and, yes, excess tummy fat. Fat that can be stubborn to move.

Wonderfully, melatonin delivers anti-diabetic effects by improving the function of insulin.

Note: If you are pre-diabetic, diabetic, or have Polycystic Ovary Syndrome, there is a good chance you have insulin resistance.

  1. Increased inflammation

Your body produces inflammation as a protective response to an irritant. This might take the form of a bug, an injury, or a chemical. Inflammation’s purpose is to protect the body; to clear potential damaging assaults.

However, when this process becomes chronic — long-term — damage can occur. You can imagine this like slow spreading biological rust.

Yet, experiments have shown that melatonin may counteract, cancel out, contributors to this rust.

What does that have to do with a slimmer waistline? Chronic inflammation and tummy fat are linked.

Improving insulin sensitivity and decreasing inflammation are a potent combination when it comes to reducing body fat, including around the midriff.

As one rat study found, long-term supplementation with melatonin lowered weight gain, including a reduction of fat around the tummy area. In addition, blood insulin level decreased. This creates a virtuous cycle that promotes a slender figure.

Another study found that women who were supplemented with melatonin experienced a significant reduction in indicators of inflammation. The authors said, “Considering the improvements in inflammatory and oxidative stress (the “rust”)… in obese women, it seems that melatonin supplementation may provide beneficial effects in obesity treatment.”

Amazing, right? A safe, easily accessible compound like melatonin may improve insulin sensitivity, quell inflammation, and encourage a slimmer waistline. That’s why this compound is a key ingredient in ThermoSleep, our fat burner and sleep aid.


The benefits of ThermoSleep


High-quality sleep is needed to function optimally; to live life as a happy, well human.

Sufficient slumber helps to balance hormones, like insulin, calm dangerous inflammation, protect your heart and blood vessels, and achieve and maintain a healthy body size and waistline.

The 4 mg of melatonin in every serve of calorie-free ThermoSleep will help you snooze soundly all night. With additional relaxation and sleep aids — like Ashwagandha, Chamomile, lemon balm, L-theanine, magnesium, and passionflower — it’s a customer fav!

As Erika R. says, “Amazing sleep! I sleep deep and wake up energized in the morning.”

The melatonin takeaway

Melatonin is deeply involved in the control of the human body clock. When the flux of its natural level is altered, the circadian rhythm is thrown out of whack. This has important health consequences.

Yet supplementing can restore its balance. Sounder slumber, relief from jet lag, improved insulin sensitivity, reduced inflammation, and a slimmer waistline are possible.

Grab your ThermoSleep now. It’s time to sleep well!

Onest Health ThermoSleep