Have you caught yourself saying, “My metabolism is too slow!”

Or wondered if metabolic sluggishness could be halting your weight loss efforts?

It could be…

But while this word is often mentioned, do you know what “metabolism” actually is?

Let’s take a look; first, at metabolism. Then, at the 4 key metabolic components: basal metabolic rate, the thermic effect of food, exercise activity thermogenesis, and non-exercise activity thermogenesis.

What is Metabolism?

Often we think of metabolism solely in terms of the ability to burn body fat. But, the term captures far broader processes.

As the article, Cellular metabolism and disease: what do metabolic outliers teach us?, says, metabolism is the sum of the biochemical processes that create or consume energy.

There are three pathways involved in metabolism. Those that build complex macromolecules, a process called anabolism. Those that break down molecules to release energy, a process called catabolism. And those that remove the toxins produced by anabolism and catabolism, a process called waste disposal.

Together these pathways should maintain their equilibrium. Anabolism and catabolism — like a level seesaw — should remain, over time, in balance.

Metabolic processes are our sole source of energy; the spark that animates us. So, metabolism is quite literally the essential driver of life.

Your Basal Metabolic Rate

Basal metabolic rate, or BMR, refers to the amount of energy (calories) required to sustain the basic (bottom layer, or “basal”) functions of life at rest.

There are functions that must continue if we are to remain alive. We must breathe. We must circulate blood around the body. We must process and distribute nutrients. We must grow and repair our cells. These processes require energy. This energy — the fuel required to sustain the bare minimum for life — is your basal metabolic rate.

Technically, basal metabolic rate is calculated under strict scientific conditions. However, for us mere mortals an online BMR calculator acts as a sufficient guide.

Tip: Basal metabolic rate isn’t stagnant. You can increase your BMR, for example, by adding some muscle to your frame. The article, Controversies in Metabolism, noted that 4.5 lbs of additional lean muscle mass heightens BMR by around 50 calories per day.

Your BMR + the energy required for activity + the energy required for digestion equals the number of calories you expend each day. We’ll talk more about the effect of activity in a moment. But first, what role could food possibly play?

The Thermic Effect of Food

Every process in the body requires energy; yes, including eating.  Because we need energy to digest and metabolize a meal, the food we consume temporarily raises our metabolic rate. This change has been dubbed the thermic effect of food, or TEF.

But not all foods are equal.

As a review article published in The Journal of the American College of Nutrition notes, the thermic effect of food is elevated following larger meals (as compared to small, regular meals), after consuming carbohydrate and protein (as opposed to fat), and from following a low-fat plant-based food plan.

Curious, isn’t it? The calories in, calories out mantra isn’t as accurate as we’ve been led to believe.

Exercise Activity Thermogenesis

Before we look at exercise activity thermogenesis, or EAT, let’s define the latter term: thermogenesis.

Thermogenesis is “the dissipation of energy through the production of heat and occurs in specialized tissues including brown adipose tissue and skeletal muscle.” It’s the loss of energy — yes, calories — via an increase in temperature.

Thermogenesis, by design, “wastes” (or burns) calories.

For many people on the weight loss treadmill, this is the purpose of exercise. To devour energy and create a substantial calorie deficit.

This happens, at least in part, because exercise induces positive metabolic adaptations. The activity of the mitochondria (the cells’ powerhouses) jump, so energy production increases too. Glucose metabolism improves, too. This means we can chew through more calories.

Weight, bodyweight, and interval training, aerobic classes, cycling, and sport each tick the EAT box.

But, while exercising is crucial, non-exercise activity may be as, if not more, important.

Non-Exercise Activity Thermogenesis

Non-exercise activity thermogenesis, or NEAT, is what the name suggests; it’s the wasting of energy through activity, but not in the form of exercise.

We, humans, have become less physically active throughout the years. Between work, commuting, and screen time, we sit for long hours. The more we sit, the less we move; the less NEAT we enjoy. Maybe surprisingly, this is a bigger problem than many of us realize.

See, when we think about activity planned exercise tends to pop into our minds. Right? Activity that’s designed to improve our fitness and metabolism. Classes, cycling, gym sessions, running, Yoga. The pursuits we (falsely) assume make the biggest difference to the number of calories we burn.

But, NEAT doesn’t neatly fit into this box (pun intended). Instead, it includes movements that we don’t consciously consider. Fidgeting, walking, playing the piano, tinkering in the garden, hanging out the washing, typing; the chores, work, and pottering of everyday life.

Yet, as an article published in the National Library of Medicine pointed out, “NEAT represents the predominant component of daily activity-related thermogenesis.” Even for people who formally exercise, non-exercise activity thermogenesis accounts for a significant percentage of total energy expenditure. NEAT absolutely increases metabolic rate.

You can improve each of these aspects – the thermic effect of food, EAT, and NEAT – to boost your metabolism. We can also take a shortcut; a science-backed supplement.

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Science-backed supplementation is an easy way to boost your metabolism, without the need for behavioral change.

HyperBurn contains Lean GBB and capsicum extract to aid thermogenesis and unlock greater fat oxidation. Bioperine™, bitter orange extract, dicaffeine malate, and l-carnitine combine to supercharge your metabolism…

And as an added bonus, HyperBurn is also formulated to naturally suppress your appetite and cravings!

Little wonder our customers love it! As Amber S said, “Yummie! I love the HyperBurn. It keeps me moving, the taste is good and I can see my tummy shrinking.”

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The Metabolic Takeaway

Raising your basal metabolic rate, supercharging the thermic effect of food, exercise activity thermogenesis, and non-exercise activity thermogenesis, and taking a proven supplement can each speed up your metabolism. Together, these steps can “waste” a bunch of unwanted calories.

If you’d like more tips, check out our article, 7 Ways To Effectively Boost Your Metabolism. It’s an informative read! (Number 6 will surprise you!)