Have you heard of the compound, astaxanthin?

Should you ensure to include it in your diet?

Does this tongue twisting ingredient have any health benefits?

Let’s start at the beginning…

What is Astaxanthin?

As a red pigment, astaxanthin belongs to the carotenoid group of chemicals. Yes, the same fat-soluble pigments that are found in plants, including carrots, papaya, and tomatoes, red yeast, Phaffia rhodozyma, some algae, and crustaceans. It’s what gives lobsters their rosy hue.

As with other carotenoids, astaxanthin possesses antioxidant properties. Antioxidants are key for human health. They scavenge free radicals, preventing oxidative damage. You can think of oxidative damage like biological rust. Antioxidants, then, are the rust preventing paint; they protect against tissue damage and aging.

With this in mind…

What are the Health Benefits of Astaxanthin?

The reported benefits are broad.

Research published in the journal, Marine Drugs, noted that, "Astaxanthin, used as a nutritional supplement, antioxidant and anticancer agent, prevents diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, and neurodegenerative disorders.”

They are big claims!

So, let’s first look at antioxidants and how they benefit the body and brain.

Antioxidant power

We can think of antioxidants and pro-oxidants as sharing a seesaw-type relationship. They must finely balance each other for human biology to function well. If the pro-oxidant side wins, the “rust” does too. This contributes to the development and maintenance of the serious illnesses we mentioned earlier.

However, by ensuring a sufficient antioxidant intake we tip the balance in our favor.

According to an article published in the journal, Oxidative Medicine and Cellular Longevity, “Astaxanthin… is one of the most powerful natural compounds with remarkable antioxidant activity.” 

This has potent potential benefits for exercise and general health.

Exercise benefits of astaxanthin

During exercise, astaxanthin’s antioxidant potential:

— Enhances the use of fats during exercise

— May reduce muscle glycogen depletion during endurance exercise, reducing fatigue

— May allow greater intensity and speed

— May aid recovery

In one study, male cyclists took 4 mg of astaxanthin per day for four weeks. Supplementation resulted in a significant improvement to their 20 km cycling time trial performance and increased their power output.

Other authors have suggested that, “Research…  in mice exercise models… suggest that astaxanthin supplementation could potentially improve indices of exercise metabolism, performance, and recovery because of its potent antioxidant capacity.”

But the benefits extend beyond exercise.

Non-exercise health benefits of astaxanthin

In rodent and human studies, astaxanthin has been shown to:

— Improve glucose metabolism

— Lessen the generation of oxidative stress (“rust”)

— Reduce dangerous tummy fat and blood lipid levels in type two diabetics

— Lower high blood sugar

— Decrease inflammatory proteins

— Improve brain function (reducing cognitive deficits)

— Slow aging in the brain

— Protect against photoaging of the skin

Altered glucose metabolism, heightened oxidative stress, visceral fat, high blood lipid levels, and elevated blood sugar are dangerous.

In fact, poor blood sugar control is rampant within our society, with rates continuing to climb. In 2018, a staggering 34.2 million Americans had diabetes. The vast majority with type two. In 2015, 88 million people over the age of 18 had pre-diabetes; blood sugar level teetering above normal but below the threshold for a diabetes diagnosis. In other words, not quite there yet but well on the way.

Diabetes causes symptoms like blurry vision, dry skin, excessive thirst and hunger, fatigue, frequent urination, increased infection risk, poor healing, and tingling in the hands and feet. This condition undercuts quality of life, contributes to disability, and shortens lifespan.

So, evidence-based ways to better manage blood sugar level are not just nice, they’re necessary. Potentially life saving.

Premature aging — related to, or worsened by, poor glucose metabolism, inflammation, cognitive deficits, and even wrinkles, brown skin spots and broken capillaries — is also common. Many conditions, like those mentioned earlier — cancer, diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, and neurodegenerative disorders — increase in prevalence as time takes its toll.

There’s little wonder it’s called the ravages of aging…

But, as the saying goes, “You are what you eat.” Or more precisely, you are the nutrients you consume and absorb.

If you eat junk, your body will resemble just that; junk. Trans fats, refined sugar, processed meats, for example, can trigger high blood glucose and lipids, brain and nerve problems, abnormal cell growth, poor skin, bone, and joint health. In short, this lifestyle factor can age you before your time.

If you opt for wholesome choices like foods rich in astaxanthin — specific algae, crayfish, krill, salmon, shrimp, trout, yeast, and shrimp — and supplement with this key nutrient, you may protect yourself against decline and live well. But remember; while steps taken in older age are essential, so is starting young. Whatever your age, today is a good day to begin.

Astaxanthin’s Safety Is Key

The last thing you want to do when taking steps to better your health is take a wrong turn. So it’s important to consider the safety of every supplement or pharmaceutical you put in your mouth.

Astaxanthin’s safety has been investigated; when extracted from nature it is exceedingly safe.

As the recent study, Astaxanthin: How much is too much? A safety review, found:

Recommended or approved doses varied in different countries and ranged between 2 and 24 mg. We reviewed 87 human studies, none of which found safety concerns with natural AX [astaxanthin] supplementation, 35 with doses ≥12 mg/day.

Even at doses above 12 mg daily, naturally sourced Astaxanthin presented no side effects. None!

X-Factor: Your natural source of high-quality Astaxanthin

Astaxanthin is the star ingredient in X-Factor. Sourced from Haematococcus pluvialis algae, this well-loved product provides only nature’s best.

With 8 mg astaxanthin in every two-capsule serving, our vegetarian supplement supports your wellbeing both in health and during times of need.

As Melissa L said, “I started taking X-factor to help with recovery and provide extra vitamins that I may be missing… Find it has really helped with focus, energy. I'm excited to see long term effects.”

Onest Health X-Factor

The Astaxanthin Takeaway

There are few nutrients that offer the potential for enhanced exercise metabolism, performance, and recovery, across the board health benefits, protection against aging, and an unbelievable safety record. Astaxanthin does.

With no known side effects and a wide range of science-backed benefits, we believe this equals a nutritional no brainer; a sensible supplement to include in your daily life.

Our natural algae-sourced product, X-Factor, makes consuming this wonderful ingredient simple. Two capsules per day and you’re done!

We think you’ll love it, just like our other customers do. We look forward to hearing about your success, too!