Are you ready to discover the secret to better muscle recovery?

Great! You’re in the right place.

See, we know that hitting the gym requires grit and perseverance. But there is enough in life to push you off track without the addition of muscle pain, fatigue, or poor performance. A sluggish, sore body can slow you down. Even make you doublethink getting active at all!

So, how can you boost your recovery to speed the process and supercharge your results?

How can you make the most of the work you put in?

Here are our favorite 4 tips...

Embrace Carbohydrates

In the era of Keto and Paleo, low carbohydrate diets have become ubiquitous. So much so that you might assume carbs are evil. That eliminating this macronutrient is the only way to achieve the svelte, built body you want…

But, that’s not what the research shows.

A study published in the Journal of Sports Sciences noted that:

Carbohydrate-rich foods with a moderate to high glycaemic index provide a readily available source of carbohydrate for muscle glycogen synthesis, and should be the major carbohydrate choices in recovery meals.


Because the diet needs to provide your muscles with the fuel needed to encourage “optimal adaptation”.

In other words, you need carbs to rapidly restore muscle glycogen stores; the energy stores needed to power the muscles used during training. And to promote change.

Especially if you engage in intense, consecutive sessions with limited recovery periods.

How much carbohydrate should you aim for?

The American Council On Exercise (ACE) recommends 1.2 grams per kilogram per hour, consumed at 15 to 30-minute intervals as soon as you stop exercising.

And speaking of macronutrients…

Consume Sufficient Protein

While this might seem obvious to some, there are a range of conflicting opinions. As some of our customers have asked, we thought we’d share some research-backed insights.

The 2021 special issue of the journal, Nutrients, called Nutrition and Muscle Recovery, delved into muscle recovery. Their coverage included studies that compared whey to pea-based proteins.

The aim?

To uncover what impacts these protein sources had on exercise-induced muscle damage (EIMD).

One study investigated a group of non-athletic, non-obese males. After a single session involving a 90-minute high eccentric activity, participants were followed for five days. Three daily doses of either whey or pea protein at 0.3 grams per kilogram were taken. The results indicated that markers of EIMD were reduced, with whey protein leading the race.

In addition, the authors of the special edition concluded that, “The development of lean mass, increased strength, and improved recovery are achieved through protein supplementation.”

One scoop of our Whey Iso Pro contains 24 grams of protein. And our customers love it!

As Imelda G said, “This has been the best protein for both my husband and I. It keeps us full longer and tastes great too! Highly recommend this whey protein!

One scoop of our Vegan Complete PRO contains just over 28 grams of vegetable protein, with a pea protein base.

As Carlos C said, “I've been using this vegan brand of protein powder for just over two years now, and I have not been disappointed… For taste, quality, and price, you have to try Onest Vegan Complete Pro!”

Onest Health Protein

Schedule Active Recovery Days

While sitting on the couch sounds lovely it won’t aid your recovery. Instead of doing nothing — known as passive recovery — it is better to aim for sensible active recovery.

Remember, though, sensible is the word.

ACE provides the answer. In the report we refer to above, The Science Of Post-Exercise Recovery, they noted that many people push themselves too hard during recovery periods. This entirely beats the point.

Instead, they recommend a science-backed approach. Active recovery is best completed with sessions of very light intensity.

How light?

Less than 50% of maximal heart rate. This has been shown to decrease lactate and proton levels. Your muscles will thank you!

Hydrate Well

Have you ever considered how much water you drink? Really considered?

Do you count the number of glasses you drink, and consume more when your level of physical activity or the temperature outside rises?

If not, it’s time.

A staggering 79% of your muscle tissue is created from water. As humble as this fluid might seem, it is required for you to produce neurotransmitters, regulate your core temperature, flush out toxins, repair, convert your food into energy, lubricate your joints, and deliver oxygen to your cells. To top it off, the carbohydrate and protein we mentioned earlier requires water to move around the body via the bloodstream.

As you can see, each one of these tasks are essential for boosting exercise performance and recovery.

According to the US Geological Survey, an adult male requires around three liters (or 3.2 quarts) each day. Adult females tend to be smaller and, as such, require less. Around 2.2 liters (or 2.3 quarts) per day should suffice.

Saying that, there are variables. For example, if you exercise intensively and often, or live in a hot climate, you’ll need to drink more. Think sweat!

Tip: Hydration isn’t only wonderful for muscle recovery. It’s also great for shedding the fat that hides your well-earned guns, thighs, and abs.

Want to know more?

Read our article, 4 Reasons Why Optimal Hydration Is The Secret To Faster Fat Loss!

The Takeaway

Working to transform your body is hard. It requires grit and tenacity. The last thing you need is slow-to-recover muscles that make everything that much harder, slower, more frustrating, and more painful.

By embracing carbohydrate consumption in the right amount at the right time…

By consuming sufficient protein, especially by supplementing with high-quality whey

By scheduling — and conscientiously sticking to — the limits and practice of active recovery days…

And by ensuring an adequate level of hydration is maintained…

You can shortcut your road to success. Because, simply put, happy, healthy, quick-to-recover muscles will enable you to work harder, be safer, and recover faster. That’s a win-win-win!