Tired of watching the clock tick, tick, tick as another night turns into a long and sleepless stretch?

Sick of relying on strong coffee in a vain attempt to stave off exhaustion?

Want to go to bed and simply nod off?

Poor sleep can slash concentration, obliterate memory, and stoke irritability and anxiousness. Error rates jump and energy falters. Insomnia is a burden.

But, there are science-backed ways to fall asleep in an instant. To enjoy deeper, longer slumber; slumber that replenishes and rejuvenates. To wake refreshed and ready to go!

We’ll share our top 5 tips in a moment, but first let’s take a closer look at this common problem.

The deets on insomnia

Put simply, insomnia refers to frequent difficulty sleeping. This condition may entail trouble falling asleep, staying asleep, or both, or waking unrefreshed.

Acute insomnia lasts for days or weeks. But chronic insomnia lingers…

As the article, Diagnosis and treatment of chronic insomnia, said, the latter involves frequent difficulty sleeping even with sufficient opportunity, results in daytime impairment, and continues for one month or more. Chronic insomnia is the type that wears you down.

One in ten Americans suffer from an insomnia disorder. Another 20% experience insomnia occasionally. A staggering four in ten people will still experience this unwelcome bedfellow five years after diagnosis. If you sleep poorly you keep good company.

But insomnia has much greater impacts than the immediate, day-after effects. The weary hangover, so to speak. As research published by the National Institutes of Health points out:

The cumulative long-term effects of sleep loss and sleep disorders have been associated with a wide range of deleterious health consequences including an increased risk of hypertension, diabetes, obesity, depression, heart attack, and stroke.

Sleep loss, then, can pack on the pounds, negatively impact quality of life, and lead to ill health and a premature death. It’s serious stuff!

So, what can you do to reverse insomnia? To sleep more soundly and for longer?

That’s the perfect question! Let’s take a look…

Uncover (and fix) the root cause

Insomnia can be the outer manifestation of an underlying condition or problem. By identifying and, where possible, fixing the trigger sound sleep can make a welcome return.

Drink too much caffeine? Cut down.

Stare at an electronic screen deep into the night? Set aside blue-light emitting devices for at least 90 minutes before retiring.

Do you stay up into the wee small hours? Set yourself a regular bedtime and wake time. Stick to the routine.

Does stress rattle around your brain when you close your eyelids? Meditate before sleep. Journal about your worries. Find more effective ways to manage your concerns.

Do you or your partner catch yourself not breathing? Obstructive sleep apnea syndrome (OSA) occurs commonly in people with insomnia. Sleep apnea increases your risk of ill health; cardiovascular and metabolic issues and chronic insomnia included. There are a range of reasons why it’s important to address OSA.

Do you have a medical issue that’s keeping you awake? There are a wide range of conditions that can contribute to poor slumber; for example, arthritis, diabetes, depression, hyperthyroidism, and restless legs syndrome. Effectively treating the underlying condition may also deliver sounder sleep.

Lead a sleep-boosting lifestyle

Modern lifestyles don’t tend to prioritize sleep quality. But they should. The benefits of eight hours of sleep per night are vast and encompassing. Better health for a start. But we get it; life is busy. Wonderfully, there are easy hacks to encourage nighttime slumber:

— Enjoy the morning sunshine

— Supplement with, or sip, Chamomile tea after lunch and dinner

— Take a warm shower or bath one to two hours before bedtime (10 minutes will suffice)

— If you’re a smoker, quit

— Enjoy regular exercise

— Manage your stress

— If you are caffeine-sensitive, swap your coffee for herbal tea

For more tips on sleeping well, read our article, 6 Ways To Improve Your Quality Of Sleep.

Check your medications

Certain medications can mess with the quality of your sleep. These include drugs prescribed for asthma, cancer, cardiovascular disease, mental illness, and over-the-counter products designed to treat the symptoms of cold or flu. The more sleep-harming products you take, the greater your risk of insomnia.

Check with your doctor or pharmacist. There may be better options or alternatives.

Change how you react to the ticking clock

There’s a reason that watching the time tick by is infuriating; for many people, it increases worry about not sleeping. This worry can make matters worse, contributing further to poor sleep.

So, what should you do?

According to the Sleep Foundation if you haven’t fallen asleep within 20 minutes, get up. Rather than allow the  “I can’t get to sleep!” frustration to build, go into another room and soothe yourself. Read a gentle book. Listen to calming music. Meditate.

Then when you feel sleepy, go back to bed and try again.

Take a science-backed supplement like ThermoSleep

Thanks to the wonders of modern science, it’s possible to combine sleep-supporting ingredients in an easy-to-take, effective formula.

ThermoSleep contains glycine, gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA), Ashwagandha, 5-HTP, passion flower, and magnesium. Each individually known to promote relaxation and encourage sound sleep. Yet, the turbo-power is found in the unique mix.

That’s why our customers adore this product… As Christina L. said, “Love it! I love this product! I get better sleep! I feel refreshed in the morning.”

Tip: As an added bonus, ThermoSleep is a powerful fat loss aid.

The insomnia takeaway

Insomnia is a serious condition that negatively impacts day-to-day living, saps quality of life, and causes broader, long-term health problems. But you don’t have to continue to struggle with poor slumber.

By uncovering (and fixing) the root cause, embracing a sleep-boosting lifestyle, ensuring that your medications aren’t killing your zzz’s, changing how you react to the ticking clock, and supplementing with an evidence-based product like ThermoSleep, it’s possible to sleep well.

And yes, restorative sleep is a game-changer! One you absolutely deserve!