We are in the midst of holiday season, it is all fun and games now until January second rolls around and then all hell breaks loose, and panic ensues. How the heck do we get back on track after time off and eating our body weight in rum balls?

Fear not fam, today I bring to you easy to implement, simple strategies to get you back on track, ready to slay your goals in no time. Whether you’re trying to get back on track after a blow-out weekend or get ready for the new year, today's blog has got you covered.

The most crucial point to remember moving forward in this journey is that you are always in control; all it takes to get back on track is the decision to do so, and then the implementation of a plan.

Which brings me to tip number one:


“Failing to prepare, is preparing to fail”. If you are serious about implementing changes to your lifestyle, routine, eating habits and/ or your physique you need to create a plan. What are your goals? What is your new schedule going to look like? Have you set time aside daily for movement? To prep meals? For mediation or self-care? Set yourself up for success by planning all you need for a productive week; write down your daily and weekly goals, your tasks and appointments, your grocery list, plan, and prep your meals and sort out your training schedule for the week. When you have a plan there is very little room for excuses. Make yourself a priority. Create a clear schedule then stick to it.


Whether you had a weekend binge or just overindulged at a Christmas event, take time to reflect on and identify your triggers. By being aware of your triggers, it becomes easier to avoid or manage them should they arise again in the future. If keeping treat foods or leftovers in the house is a trigger for you, remove them from the premises. If you make excuses not to train in the afternoons, pack your gym clothes and get changed at work or train in the morning. If your workplace has Friday “fun food” days which you struggle saying no to, maybe you pre-pack your lunch and avoid the kitchen during that time if it makes you tempted, or go out of the office for lunch. If you struggle with will power when it comes to food at events, stick to a “one plate rule” etc. As simple and obvious as this may seem, by having a clear strategy to remove potential triggers, it puts you in a place of control. When we have control, we have the power to change outcomes and this is the key to success. As an example, by removing trigger foods from the home that cause you to binge, you are less likely to do so. Fewer binges mean being in a greater calorie deficit which leads to your desired body composition change… see where I am going with this.


After a weekend of indulging, I always suggest going back to basics. Strip back your meals, keeping them plain and simple. Opt for wholefood, nutrient dense meals, not only as a way to reset your body and support hormones but this will also curb cravings, support energy, aid with sleep and mood. Feeling good on the inside largely impacts how we move and how we sleep; by nourishing your body you’ll train better and recover better.

If cravings do occur, which is likely after high sweet exposure, I like to mix a scoop or two of one of the ONEST proteins with Greek yoghurt or coconut yoghurt to make a protein mousse. Depending on your macros you could also add some fruit or peanut butter to the mix for a delicious, goal supporting treat that will take the edge off.


If you’ve ever had more than a few days off from the gym, you know how hard it can be to regain that motivation for your training routine. As harsh as this can sound, in moments like this it comes down purely to discipline as motivation is fleeting. I don’t care what excuses you have or how lethargic you feel after the holidays, get your body moving and work towards your goal. If you don’t have any real body composition goals, see movement for the benefits it has on overall wellbeing and health. I am not saying you need to be in the gym; walk, do yoga, box, swim, run… whatever it is that makes you happy, do that. Daily.


Proper rehydration is absolutely crucial after an indulgent weekend (or week). If you’ve been drinking, eating foods high in sodium or just not prioritizing water intake, you’re likely dehydrated which can lead to increased fatigue, cravings, poor immunity, and bad digestion. Our body needs water to flush toxins, cleanse, repair, restore and detoxify.


If you have read my previous blogs, you know that a lack of sleep is associated with increased hunger and cravings, decreased motivation and can affect hormones, gut health, and decision-making processes. The best thing you can do to start yourself on the right foot is to get consistently good sleep.

It is never as hard as it seems to get back on track, it simply just requires you taking the first step. Create a plan then implement and execute it and you’ll be on your way to a brand-new year of goal kicking!